Friday, January 29, 2016


Don't panic, it's organic!
Sweet & Crisp

Nasty Jelly Beans

These are pictures of different foods. The first picture is organic garbanzo beans. Organic stuff is good, it is worth the extra money. I like organic food because that means I can trust the people that made the food. The next picture is naturally sweet & crisp corn from Trader Joe's. The garbanzo beans are also from Trader Joe's. However, the jelly beans are not from Trader Joe's. They come in flavors like rotten eggs, barf, skunk spray, canned dog food, and many more. I like food and I will be eating it for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


 Marqus's Converse
 Dante's fly J's

These are different shoes at Eldorado High School. There are a lot of people that go to school which means there are twice as much shoes. That is really cool. Shoes re useful. There are many different kinds of shoes. I like to wear shoes. Shoes help keep our feet protected. Shoes are really nice. Shoes can be used as lots of different shoes.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Shaniqua's Ring
Crazy Necklace
Animal Necklace

These are three very interesting pieces of jewelry. The first one is my teacher's ring. I thought it was really cool that she let me use her ring to take a picture. The two necklaces are my mom's. The first one has a crazy hook on the back which is really hard to use. It took me a long time to take that necklace off. I had to take the necklace pictures really fast because my mom would get very mad if she saw me wearing her jewelry. The last necklace has a bunch of animals on it and is very uncomfortable to wear.